Did you know?
Persians require daily grooming.
(Face cleaning and combing.) Or a groomer! !
Their fine undercoat is thick and long and grows constantly and fur can quickly turn into a matted mess unless you comb it through every day. Their care requires a serious time commitment and this needs to be considered before you put that deposit down. Deposits are NOT refundable or transferable.
(Please understand once we accept your deposit, we consider that kitten yours.)
Forgot everything you've heard about breeders - this is not a money driven hobby.... At least not for us. We really do care about each and everyone of our kittens and we feel if we are honest upfront and let you know now, there will be no surprises later and no Persians in the shelters... (We stay in touch and are always available for help..)
Be an Informed Buyer
to see PKD paperwork.
There are still people breeding
PKD positive adults.
Which equals death of your kitten/cat
usually before 5 years of age
after sickness and huge vet bills.
Whether you buy a new kitten from us or elsewhere:
#1 - Insist on a copy of the PKD reports for BOTH parents or kitten.
Did you know a 'Himalayan' is a Persian?
Did you know there is no such thing as a short haired Persian?
Did you know there are NO SUCH THING as a
TeaCup or Mini Persians?
What is to early to take a kitten home- http://breedlist.com/faq/young.html
Want to understand color? Read - http://www.catdnatest.org/pdf/understanding-cat-colors.pdf
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Why is the kitten cost so much? This is a pretty good article but it is about 20 years old. So, like everything else many of the prices listed are way low... But it helps give you an idea?
Sick kitten - sometimes subfluid needed- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9DuY93hebHA
When to Spay/Neuter? https://vitalanimal.com/neutering/
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